This blog has a new home!!

Check out my new digs!!  Would love you to continue our journey with us at the new Pocket Lint.

December 10, 2009 at 12:39 am 2 comments

my blog is changing addresses!

…in a few days.  Stay tuned!

December 7, 2009 at 4:36 am 1 comment

Bugged by a stomach bug

Polly got the stomach flu out of the blue two nights ago.  She sat up in bed and threw up all over the place and proceeded to throw up almost every two hours for the next day.  By nine last night it was apparent to us that a trip to the ER was in order.  Polly hadn’t had a wet diaper in four to six hours by then, nor had she been able to keep down her seizure medication, her aspirin or any other of the medications she takes.  She had grown a bit listless too.

Usually with a stomach bug we’d nurse a kid through.  It’s different with Polly now though.  You can’t be too careful with her health.

So I bundled her up and she and Sergei took off into the night; an excursion no one was excited about.

Thankfully the doctors did not seem to think she needed an IV or to be admitted.  They gave her medicine to stop the vomiting and after a while she was able to drink and keep down 4 oz. of pedialyte.  Sergei and Polly were home by midnight exhausted but happy to be back.

Polly slept through the night without any messes and today she has perked up a bit.  So far she’s had a wet diaper this morning, is still on the nausea med and is sipping apple juice.  About a half hour ago I gave her the other vital medications for her Moyamoya and now she is participating in reading time; her book is imaginary and she is speaking a language I don’t understand. 

But I’m happy to hear the story.

Thanks to all of you who caught the prayer request on Facebook.  I’m thrilled she didn’t have to go through another hospital stay before her surgery. 

13 more days until her first surgery.  I pray that she can stay healthy and stroke free until then.

December 4, 2009 at 5:22 pm 5 comments

Polly’s favorite

There is a quick post up at Expecting Evangeline about how much Evie loves her grandpa.

Well, Polly’s favorite relative is her ‘Aunt Mimi’ (my sister, Amy).  Every day at bed time and nap time we have to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Mimi and Bill (Amy’s husband) at least five times before she’ll actually lay down.  She had a blast with all the family but particularly loved her afternoon at Aunt Mimi’s house with their dog, Sparky.

We are so thankful for a loving and helpful family, especially during times like this.  Here’ s to you, Aunt Mimi!!

And keep praying for Polly.  Right now she has a cold that absolutely has to be cleared up for her surgery on the 17th.  Overall, she is doing well and we haven’t seen any signs of seizures or strokes.  Thank God!!

November 30, 2009 at 3:18 pm 4 comments

Surgery date changed

There was a conflict with December 11th so Polly’s new brain surgery date is Thursday, December 17th.  Hopefully, this date will stick.  It is the first of two procedures that need to be done for her Moyamoya so the second surgery, God willing, will probably be mid-January, four weeks after the first.

Ive known about the date change for a few days but didn’t feel like posting about it.  It was discouraging to hear we have to wait longer.  But Polly seems to be completely restored from her stroke.  We pray every day that she won’t have any more seizures or strokes before the surgery.

All I want for Christmas is my little girl home and a successful surgery.

I’ll write a longer post soon.

November 22, 2009 at 2:51 pm 9 comments

We met with Polly’s surgeon

and I saw the inside of my daughter’s brain on a computer monitor.

Yesterday, Polly, Sergei and I trekked off to  Children’s Memorial Outpatient Clinic on Clark Street to meet with Dr. Alden, Polly’s Neurosurgeon.  His full name is Tord Alden, which sounds really smart to me.  A good sign.

I was surprised that Polly’s blood vessels are quite thin on both sides of her brain.  Her Moyamoya is more advanced than I thought it would be.  The angiogram took pictures of how the blood actually flows for Polly in her head and unfortunately, it’s not flowing much.  Dr. Alden also pointed out three or four spots on each side of her brain that had gray clouds.  These areas are from past strokes.  Unbelievable!  Our baby has had multiple strokes and we didn’t even know. 

It breaks my heart.  As a mom I expect to know when something is wrong with my kid.  I count on that internal mother intuition that usually clues me in on ear infections or when someone is about to puke.

But I didn’t catch the strokes…

Dr. Alden talked us through the surgery, an indirect by-pass.  I’m not going to act like I completely understand his explanation but I think he told us that they will cut out a piece of her skull, find a large artery and actually place it on her brain in order to create new blood flow.  Again, referring to Dr. Scott’s  (out of Boston Children’s Hospital) explanation:

We separate this artery from the tissues around it, keeping blood flowing through it. We open up a window of bone beneath the artery, and then use a microscope to carefully open all of the coverings of the brain right down to the brain surface. The artery is then placed directly onto the brain, and the tissues around its walls are sewn with tiny sutures to the brain surface to keep it in contact with the brain. Then the bone window is replaced securely, and the skin incision closed. In some patients, we may also place an extra small hole (a “burr hole”) in the skull away from the first incision, and at this hole we also make tiny openings in all of the coverings of the brain before closing the incision.

Dr. Alden at Children’s prefers to do each side of the brain separately, a month apart.  He also said it is imperative for us to wait four to six weeks after Polly’s stroke for the first surgery.  Her brain needs to do what it will to heal itself to diminish chances of bleeding and infection during the procedure.

The first surgery is scheduled for Friday, December 11th.  There will be about an hour and a half of cutting, add in anesthesia and waking up etc… we’re looking at 3 hours for the whole process.  Polly will definitely spend the first night in ICU and afterwards she’ll either be sent to another floor to recover or if she is doing really well, she may be able to go home the next day (WOW!).

So here is where I’m at personally with all of this:

Firstly, I thank God that even though Polly has had strokes in the past, he has kept her functioning well, without any residual damage from her little body’s upheaval to date.  Her most recent stroke (the one I saw) left the most damage to her right side (likewise, it occurred on the left side of her brain) and she is recovering beautifully.  If anything, the stroke has knocked a bit more of a sense of humor and sassiness in our girl.  And we’ll take it!  Someone reminded me today that God loves Polly even more than we do.

Secondly, of course, I’m scared.  My time is spent breathing in and out prayers for Polly by day and on my knees next to her bed at night.  Every time I hear a thud or a cry my heart sinks.  I guess it’s human nature (at least for a mother of a child with special needs) to expect the other shoe to drop, for her to have another stroke pushing this whole process back or even worse, really messing her up.  It’s exhausting, honestly.  I’m forgetting to RSVP for birthday parties for Lainie and Zo and there is a constant nagging thought in the back of my head that I’m forgetting something.  This morning I swiffered the dinning room floor with a baby wet-wipe and was thrilled that enough energy was mustered to clean at all.  I’m not doing anything well and yet, by the grace of God, time is going by, like it always does. 

Thirdly I’m spurred on to live day by day, ticking dates off on the calendar in my mind; another day Polly gets through without incident; a gift.  This strength is gathered from my relationship with Christ, the Bible, my rather funny and very attentive husband, eskimo kisses from Lainie, Zo and Polly, warm smiles and chuckles from Evie. 

Strength and encouragment comes from the most unexpected places as well.  A mom from Zoya’s class emailed this morning.  She excused my lack of RSVP-ness and went a step further inviting  Elaina to her daughter’s party Saturday which will certainly break up our weekend.  Sergei will be gone for his back-to-back six hour class Friday and Saturday on Patristics

This kind of stuff keeps happening…a meal or a bouquet of flowers on my doorstep, friends on our street inviting my older kids over for playdates.  Therapists making up missed appointments and ladies from church come over and watch our kids so Serg and I can go to Polly’s appointments together pro buno, even though they could use the money (couldn’t we all?)  Emails and facebook  comments, people (both friends and strangers) join their names to so very many in prayer for Polly during this challenge.

And this morning as I picked up Polly from preschool a little girl walked up and handed us a birthday invitation.  The little girl’s mother and I locked eyes and before I realized I was talking I thanked her and said,

“When she was born I wondered if she’d get invited to birthday parties…this is her first one, and you guys are going in her baby book.”

The mother started to cry, Polly’s loving teacher Ms. Baba (Barbara) had tears in her eyes and ten little preschoolers continued to run circles around us completely unaware that God’s grace was happening right there, right then.  He was showing me once again, His love and care.

We’re here and today, thanks be to God, we are alright.

November 12, 2009 at 6:54 pm 30 comments

Orphan Sunday


LERA, Girl, Born August 7, 2005


And if this one specific child doesn’t have a family committed to her adoption within the next few days, she will be sent to a mental institution where she will then be unadoptable and ‘sentenced’ to a crib for the rest of her life. Here’s a little about her: Lera is a gorgeous little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. She is 4 years old. She is quite high functioning, and doing very well. She has flat feet and a systolic heart murmur, but no major heart conditions. She is able to walk and climb, she eats by herself, dances, and understands and follows directions. She has also been transferred to the regular class, so she living and learning with her typical peers. There’s a grant of $1,000 available to the family that adopts her. It’s so sad that she’s run out of time. She is in RUSSIA and those are closed institutions. Here’s the info about adopting from her region of Russia: 2 trips Both parents for first trip, about one week Both parents travel for 2nd trip, approximately 14 days (One parent may leave after the court proceedings are finalized, after about 5 days.) Total program and travel fees under $25k Fee includes a $1000 orphanage donation Only one child can be adopted at a time Married couples and single mothers may apply Please pray for a family for Lera to come to her rescue quickly!! Are you that family?

Find out more at Reece’s Rainbow.

November 8, 2009 at 7:42 pm 8 comments

Thanks for the prayers…she’s home!

Thanks so much to all who prayed for Polly’s angiography test yesterday.  I’m happy to report she got through the test stroke and seizure free and came out of anesthesia fairly well.  Of course, she was mad that she was pinned down for four hours.  She wasn’t allowed to move the leg the catheter went through for the test.  I was able to be up at the hospital with Sergei when she woke up.  I came back home around 6:30 to to be with the other girls (thanks, Jessica, for helping us out with childcare!).

Sergei and Polly came home from the hospital around 9pm.

So now, we need to hear the results from her doctor and plan the first surgery.

Will keep you all updated.

I fell asleep last night cuddling with Polly.  After singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to almost everyone we know and love she drifting off and I thanked God for getting us through this stretch.

November 5, 2009 at 6:54 pm 12 comments

Polly’s angiography test on Wednesday

This weekend I was grouchy.  I tried  not to be…I prayed and cleaned, did yoga and attempted to interact with the family…but my stomach was uneasy.  I just felt mad.

Today I got a call from Children’s Memorial Hospital regarding Polly’s test that will take place tomorrow at 12:30pm.  As I sifted through details on the phone with the nurse; no solids after midnight, no drinks after 9:30am, yes to medications, no to aspirin, it dawned on me that my grouchy attitude started last Friday and has become more pronounced up until today.  On the phone with the nurse, realizing that Polly is back in the hospital tomorrow for a rather involved, possibly dangerous test, I felt the tears come. 

I don’t want Polly to have to go through all of this (*this being Moyamoya, the strokes, the invasive tests, the surgeries, possible complications from all of the above.) In that same breath I know it’s not about what I want but who knew you could ever care so much for another soul.

Tomorrow is a part to this Moyamoya puzzle.  There’s no way I can adequately explain what angiography is, so I’m going to site Dr. Michael Scott (yes, we like The Office TV show and the fact that the Dr. and the main character’s name is the same brought about some much needed humor during our first week researching MM), the leading surgeon out of Children’s Hospital Boston specializing in Moyamoya. 

Because we need to know flow patterns of blood around the brain, and also to determine whether any blood flow is getting to the brain from arteries outside the skull, all patients need to undergo formal cerebral arteriography (or angiography). This test involves the placement of a small tube (“catheter”) through an artery in the groin up to the neck where its tip is placed in the individual blood vessels supplying the brain, x-ray visible dye is injected, and x-ray pictures taken. This part of the diagnostic evaluation is extremely important in planning the surgery and estimating its risk. “

So that’s what Polly is having done tomorrow.  The nurse told us that they will observe her for 23 hours after she comes out of anesthesia so it’s another Marchenko sleep over at the hospital tomorrow night.

We so appreciate prayers for Polly once again.  This test can be dangerous.  Strokes and seizures can happen during and after the test.  And Polly already figured out from a few weeks ago that she doesn’t like hospitals.

Polly’s been so much fun to be with lately.  She repeats everything you say (especially the last word of the sentence, BEWARE).  And recently her favorite word is “awesome” and when asked a question, most of the time her answer is “sure.”

Lord, please keep this awesome little girl safe and brave tomorrow.  Help the doctors get the pictures they need to put together a surgery plan.  We trust you, God,  and are sure that you are in control.  I pray these things in Christ’s name, Amen.

I will update you all tomorrow.

November 4, 2009 at 4:37 am 12 comments

Polly update

Polly in hospital 001

Polly is doing well.

It’s hard to believe that a week and a half ago she was using both of her hands to lift up her right leg and move it.  As Polly was leaving for school this morning she was practically running out the door.

Looking at her a person would be hard pressed to see that she has Moyamoya and requires pending brain surgery.

Yesterday we took her to outpatient physical therapy at the hospital.  The therapist was impressed.  Polly’s large gross motor function in her previously paralyzed leg is almost fully back.  She encouraged us to work on Polly’s smaller movements, for her to continue to wear her SMOs (feet and ankle braces) and for her to keep moving, which does not seem to be a problem.

Our therapy assignments include making forts under the dinning room table, crawling up and down the stairs and tickling.  Really, that’s what we were told.  No problem!

So for now, Polly is back to regular life.  She doesn’t have a clue that next Wednesday (November 4th) she’ll be under anesthesia for her angiograph (a very involved test that will determine exactly where in her brain surgery needs to take place).  After that test, her first surgery date will be set, probably in the middle of November.

In an effort to prepare Polly for her upcoming stints in the hospital, I plan to purchase a play doctor’s kit.  We’d like Polly to realize that there are many things at the hospital that are done that do not hurt; blood pressure, temperature, checking reflexes. 

If you have any other ideas about how to prepare Polly, I’d love to hear them.

And of course, please continue to pray for her 1) that her little body will stay seizure and stroke free, 2) that God will guard her heart and mind, providing her peace and resilience to adjust to her life in the next few months.  Pray for Sergei and me that we will continue to trust God for Polly’s health and ultimately to maintain the understanding that not only is the Lord with us through this experience but that he cares for Polly, so much more than we can even fathom.

I am humbled by all the blogs and messages that have posted Polly’s button reminding us all to pray.  I am also attempting to keep the rest of our lives functioning normally; Elaina is going to brownies and Zoya needs to practice her piano.  Evie is back on board with her sensory diet and we’ve started her school evaluations now that she is three and has aged out of Early Intervention.  It’s challenging as four out of six of us are battling colds (thank God, so far Polly is staying healthy).

Polly has some big shoes to fill, health-wise.  So far, so good.

October 29, 2009 at 2:41 pm 10 comments

Older Posts

Our new friend Hope needs our prayers too!

Polly needs our prayers!

Reece’s Rainbow Christmas Angel Tree

To Select a Bauble For Your Blog


All material on this blog is copyright of Gillian Marchenko